Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Fighting Childhood Obesity with Jared Fogle and the CATCH Program

It was an exciting morning at my son's preschool.  Jared Fogle ("the Subway Guy") came to talk to the preschool parents about the new program that is being introduced to schools across the country.  The Jared Foundation has paired with The CATCH (Coordinated Approach to Child Health) Program which is an evidence-based, coordinated school health program designed to promote physical activity, healthy food choices and the prevention of tobacco use in children. The CATCH Programs cover kids from preschool through 8th grade and has been implemented in thousands of schools and after-school organizations across America and Canada.   By teaching children that eating healthy and being physically active every day can be FUN , the CATCH Programs have proven that establishing healthy habits in childhood can promote behavior changes that can last a lifetime.  Their primary goal is to inform and support communities efforts in combating childhood obesity.
Russ Taylor, Executive Director at The JARED Foundation

Jared's Story

Jared Fogle is known to many as the SUBWAY® restaurants guy. His weight struggles began when  he was eight years old.  He has experienced being an obese child, an obese teenager and an obese adult.  At his heaviest he weighed 425 pounds and wore a size 60 inch pair of pants (which he always brings as his visual aid for his audience).  He finally took control of his life and in one year shed 245 pounds.  He became focused, determined and started to believe in himself.  By overhauling his diet and increasing physical activity he achieved his goal of becoming a healthy weight and reclaimed his life.

Jared Fogle ("The Subway Guy") and his famous before pants

The Magic of Hindsight

Jared spent his early childhood playing sports and eating the healthy food that his parents provided (his father is a physician).  He remembers being very physically active and being what he calls a "normal kid".  When he thinks back to if there was a defining moment where things started going downhill he describes a present he received when he was eight years old that changed his life,  a game system called Nintendo that was hugely popular in the 80's.  He fell in love with playing video games and he slowly let go of his healthier endeavors.  He stopped participating in his after school sports and instead rushed home to continue playing his video games.  Comfortable with his new home on the couch, he started snacking more.  He explained the more he ate the more he needed to feel satisfied and the more cravings he had.  His healthy afternoon bike rides become just a vehicle to bring him to whatever fast food joint he could physically get to so he could spend whatever little allowance money he had on something to satisfy his craving.  The negative momentum built and his weight continued to increase.  His parents made many attempts to help without success.

What is the Answer?
After Jared finished sharing his inspiring story, I approached him to thank him for sharing such a personal part of his life, which he claims was no longer personal after his interview with Oprah and then going on to be the spokesperson for Subway.  I also wanted to know if there was anything his parents could have done differently looking back at his story with the clarity that hindsight provides.  Surprisingly, he said he honestly felt that there was nothing they could have done that would have changed his course.  They were good role models, offered healthy food and attempted to keep him involved in physical activity.  The attempts they did make were met with resistance and resulted in pushing him further into the other direction.  What Jared did share is that the earlier kids are shown that physical activity is fun and healthy food choices make you feel good the more likely they are to continue those choices throughout childhood and into adulthood.
Jared Fogle and Coach Steve from the Mandel JCC in Palm Beach Gardens, FL


Returning to His Roots

Jared created the Jared Foundation to help eliminate childhood obesity so that today's children do not have to experience what he did.  He believes through education and physical activity at a young age we can reverse the epidemic of childhood obesity our country is facing.  Growing up and being part of his local JCC he is excited to now return as a role model and partner with these community centers to ensure that children are given the best chance possible of embracing a healthy lifestyle.  Jared spoke to the 4 years olds about how he changed his life and very bravely answered important 4 year old questions, like "Are you a fighter?" :)  The children embraced their special guest and even played a round of tag with him.


It's the Small Steps That Lead to Big Change

It is very seldom that one factor is responsible for change.  It is more often the small pieces that create the whole picture.  Every child has a different story, a unique personality, a complex make-up.  It is for this reason that we never know what might be the defining moment for that child or what will provide the spark or experience that creates or supports inspiration and energy.  What we do know is that the more we provide in way of role modeling, education, good experiences and endless opportunities we are building a strong foundation that will hopefully be enough for the child to continue to build upon as they grow.  Thank you Jared for starting this amazing foundation to help support us in taking care of our precious kids!
For more information or to donate to this awesome cause please visit:  The Jared Foundation
For more information or to donate to the CATCH Program please visit:  http://www.catchinfo.org/


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